
Old Swedish Dictionary - gängse

Meaning of Old Swedish word "gängse" (or gængse) in Swedish.

As defined by K.F Söderwall's dictionary of Medieval Swedish:

gängse (gængse)
gängse, gångbar. " swa dana mynt nw är gäfft och gängsse öwer alt vpland" SJ 174 (1448). " swadana mynt tha vppa sama tijt gäfft oc gänske war" ib 221 (1453). " stocholms mynth som nw gänksse är" ib 338 (1472). " wti gylld myntt oc giängxssä" SD 4: 585 (öfvers. i hds. fr. sl. af 1400talet).

Orthography: Early Old Swedish used different letters for ä and ö, so gängse may have also been written as gængse

Part of speech: av

Grammatical aspect: adj.

Alternative forms or notes:
  • giängxse SJ 361 (1469). giängxssä. gänkse. giänksse SJ 382 (1472). " gänskske" ib 224 (1442).
  • gienskse ib 226 (1453)),

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚵᛅᚿᚵᛋᚽ
Medieval Runes were used in Sweden from 12th to 17th centuries.

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Works and authors cited:

Svenskt Diplomatarium. Bd 6 s. 265--584. 1916--21. Bd 8 s. 1--272. 1953.
2 Stockholms Stads Jordebok 1474--1498. Utg. genom H. Hildebrad [och L. M. Bååth]. 1889, 1914.
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