
Old Swedish Dictionary - holmsker

Meaning of Old Swedish word "holmsker" in Swedish.

As defined by K.F Söderwall's dictionary of Medieval Swedish:

STockholmsk. " tha lop skothet förST aff söuerins mynt clxxiiɉ mark holmske,. .. jtem än¬ klippninga ox swenST mynt xvj mik iij öre holmske SToc Skb 221 (1523). Jfr STokholmsker. "

Part of speech: av

Grammatical aspect: adj.

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚼᚮᛚᛘᛋᚴᚽᚱ
Medieval Runes were used in Sweden from 12th to 17th centuries.

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Works and authors cited:

Själens Tröst. Utg. af G. E. Klemming. 1871--73.
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