Old Swedish Dictionary - snoaMeaning of Old Swedish word "snoa" in Swedish.
As defined by K.F Söderwall's dictionary of Medieval Swedish:
- snoa
- sno. " sidhan thz !UDDA_TECKEN?: wl eller liin snodis ok spanz j thradh" Bil 84. " sagdhe. .. litin ok vllena badhe i sändher snoos (simul color torquetur cum lana) ib. Jfr saman snoa. "
Part of speech: vb
Grammatical aspect: v.
Alternative forms or notes:- snoo: snoos Bil 84. impf.
- snode: -is ib. snodde: saman snodde Su 240.
- snött: saman snött ib 7 (15, 7)),
Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᛋᚿᚮᛆ
Medieval Runes were used in Sweden from 12th to 17th centuries.
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Works and authors cited:
- Bil
- Codex Bildstenianus. Se Lg.
- DD
- Diplomatarium Dalekarlicum. Urkunder rörande landskapet Dalarne. Utg. af C. G. Kröningssvärd och J. Lidén. Del. 1--3. 1842--46.