Old Swedish Dictionary - ighulMeaning of Old Swedish word "ighul" in Swedish.
As defined by K.F Söderwall's dictionary of Medieval Swedish:
- ighul
- igelkott. " ss tillnamn enl. E. Hellquist, Xenia Lideniana s. 97. JFr" SD 1: 90 (1167-85). Beträffande en sidoform *iughul se B. Hesselman, Från Marathon till Långheden s. 67.
Part of speech: nn
Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᛁᚵᚼᚢᛚ
Medieval Runes were used in Sweden from 12th to 17th centuries.
Works and authors cited:
- Fr
- Hertig Fredrik af Normandie. Utg. af J. A. Ahlstrand. 1853.
- SD
- Svenskt Diplomatarium. Bd 6 s. 265--584. 1916--21. Bd 8 s. 1--272. 1953.