
Old Swedish Dictionary - ogrundeliker

Meaning of Old Swedish word "ogrundeliker" in Swedish.

As defined by K.F Söderwall's dictionary of Medieval Swedish:

outgrundlig. min ogrundelikin (inscrutabilis) wisdombir han tildrogh tik swa mik Mecht 111. ib 180, 224, 241. jndex. .. theknar gudz foresyn wndhersama, oc ogrundelika (inscrubatilem) skikkan ib 337. thinom ogrundeliga visdom befellir jac mina tro SvB 471 (omkr. 1500).

Part of speech: av

Grammatical aspect: adj.

Alternative forms or notes:
  • -likin.
  • -liger )

Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᚮᚵᚱᚢᚿᚦᚽᛚᛁᚴᚽᚱ
Medieval Runes were used in Sweden from 12th to 17th centuries.

Works and authors cited:

Hel. Mechtils uppenbarelser (Liber spiritualis gratiæ) öfversatta från latinet år 1469 af Jöns Budde. Utg. af R. Geete. 1899. SFSS.
Svenska Böner från medeltiden. Utg. af R. Geete. 1907--09. SFSS.
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