Old Swedish Dictionary - skuffelikaMeaning of Old Swedish word "skuffelika" in Swedish.
As defined by K.F Söderwall's dictionary of Medieval Swedish:
- skuffelika
- som innebär en besvikelse; oväntat? ty war grecomen ganska skwffwelig swår then landstygningen Troj 107.
Part of speech: ab
Grammatical aspect: adv.
Alternative forms or notes:- skwffwelig )
Possible runic inscription in Medieval Futhork:ᛋᚴᚢᚠᚠᚽᛚᛁᚴᛆ
Medieval Runes were used in Sweden from 12th to 17th centuries.
Works and authors cited:
- Troj
- Historia Trojana. Från latinet öfversatt till svenska år 1529. Utg. af R. Geete. 1892. SFSS.